Terminal Portfolio

Repository Update ⚠️

Hello! This was a fork from the amazing Hugo theme named Terminal by panr.
It added the possibility of showing a grid portfolio. However, I have since expanded it alot for my personal webpage.
The new repository is here: https://github.com/Louisload/hugo-theme-terminal-extended/

If you want to have this feature but updated to the most recent version of Terminal, check out version 1.0.0 of it.

Please give it a visit and check if the other new features are of any interest to you :) I wont update this one anymore.

Terminal Portfolio

Barebones demo - https://www.luisrodriguesalves.dev/hugo-theme-terminal-portfolio/

Real life demo - https://hidden.land/portfolio

How to Use

A portfolio works as any normal section would. Consider the example below, of a section called "portfolio" with three items:

- exampleSite
-- content
--- portfolio
---- _index.md
---- portfolio_item1.md
---- portfolio_item2.md
---- portfolio_item3.md

In the \_index.md file to your section, add the following to the header: isPortfolio = true

Then, for each portfolio item, add an image to your static files. I recommend them being square as per the example screenshots, although other resolutions might work too (they might look funky tho 😶). Link the images to your portfolio items by adding the following to their header: portfolioCover = "path_to_image.png"

If you want to add icons, add them to the header too: portfolioIcons=["icon1.svg", "icon2.svg", "icon3.svg"]

I recommend getting icons from SimpleIcons

Using the steps above, you can have as many portfolios in your site as you want. As an example, you could have a "Photography" section with photos and a "Drawings" with drawings.

Sub sections

You can also organise your portfolio with subsections. Just add them as subfolders of the original section. For instance:

- exampleSite
-- content
--- portfolio
---- Mona Lisas
----- _index.md
----- portfolio_item1.md
----- portfolio_item2.md
----- portfolio_item3.md
---- Earrings
----- _index.md
----- portfolio_item1.md
----- portfolio_item2.md
----- portfolio_item3.md

Visit the folder exampleSite for examples

Terminal Portfolio with subsections

Please visit the original fork page for the complete readme with the basic instructions of how to use the base theme.