Project Name

Insurance company app


This is an app to test my node.js knowledge. We are gonna take information off an WEB API, render the information in the backend with handlebar, create a REST API server, and implement authentication and authorization.

User Stories

  • 404 - As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
  • 500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when it's an internal error so that I know that is not my fault
  • Get user data filtered by user id - As a user or admin I can get user's data filtered by user id
  • Get user data filtered by username - As a user or admin I can access to user's data filtered by user name
  • Get all insurance policies list - As an user I want to see all the policies linked to a username
  • Get policies details - As an admin I want to see the insurance policy details

API Endpints:

Api entry point: https://localhost:3000/api

HTTP Method URL Request Body Success status Error Status Description
POST /api/login {email} 200 400 check if the email is in the data received from external API. If it is, save token.
POST /api/logout 200 400 Clear cookie. Logout of user.
GET /api/users/id {id} 200 404 Check if there is an existing token and get the user's data by the id passed in the body
GET /api/users/name {name} 200 404 Check if there is an existing token and get user data by username passed in the body
GET /users/policy {policyId} 200 404 Check if there is an existing token and if the logged in user is an admin. Get the user data linked to policy
GET /policies/:name {name} 200 404 Check if there is an existing token and if the logged in user is an admin. Get all the policies linked to username


Node.Js , Express.

Installation & demo instruction

After forking or cloning the repository

cd nameofthefolder

nodemon start-dev