
Rectangular Waveguide exampe not working

Opened this issue · 2 comments

sakoPO commented


I have few issues with rectangular waveguide example:

  1. Import *.ini file report some errors. Steps to reproduce:
    • open design in FreeCAD
    • run FreeCAD-OpenEMS-Export.FCMacro
    • open .ini file: Open Settings -> Rectangular_Waveguide_settings.ini
    • Error will appear in log:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "FreeCAD-OpenEMS-Export/", line 792, in objectAssignmentRightTreeWidgetItemSelectionChanged
    currItemLabel = self.form.objectAssignmentRightTreeWidget.currentItem().text(0)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'
  1. Generated octave file have some errors. Steps to reproduce:
    • Generate octave file by Freecad to openEMS exporter
    • open generated file in octave
    • run file
    • Error apear in log:

error: parse error near line 177 of file Rectangular_Waveguide_settings_openEMS_simulation/Rectangular_Waveguide_openEMS.m

 syntax error

>>> portDirection = ?*portExcitationAmplitude;
  1. Generated octave file have missing port. In generated octave file in port section I can find this information:
%% PORT - Et - electric field
% Unknown port type. Nothing was generated. 

Software used:

  • FreeCAD 0.21.1, Libs: 0.21.1R33694 (Git)
  • OpenEMS Simulation Creator for FreeCAD with Blender Support v0.2.5
  • openEMS 64bit -- version v0.0.35-110-g782a738

Hi, at the moment I am on vacation but this issue is caused by fact that that rectangular example is quite old and in meantime I moved port for sensing E field into proper category Probes. So you should load in file, at Probe tab create new probe for E field in time domain and in object assignment assign Et object under it, save it as some ini file and should be running.
That examples are quite old and I made change in my GUI that I added there probes what is as it should be, but internally it's defined as port with no excitation, but haven't corrected examples yet :(
Let me know if it helped

sakoPO commented

Thank you for information, it is working now.

Please update examples because this is only source of information how to use FreeCAD to OpenEMS plugin.