Getter or Setter Generation not working (in java)
caga opened this issue · 2 comments
I vundle all other dependencies related.
When i try to generate getter or setter with ctrl-x g/s, I am getting the following error (and one time Warning):
Error detected while processing function lh#refactor#extract_getter[6]..lh#dev#attribute#analyse[1]..lh#dev#option#call[6]..lh#dev#java#attribute#analyse:
line 15:
E121: Undefined variable: visibility
E15: Invalid expression: { 'visibility': visibility, 'type' : type[1:], 'name' : name, 'static' : static }
What can be the problem?
Thank you. Sorry for not givin you the necessary feedback on time, i was on vacation without an internet connection.
First Feedback:
Cursor is on the variable which i want to set up the getter/setter. besides that i tried also on the class name, below is the message when i do so:
Error detected while processing function lh#refactor#extract_getter:
line 7:
E117: Unknown function: lh#dev#naming#variable
E15: Invalid expression: lh#dev#naming#variable(
Second Feedback:
output of the function :echo lh#dev#java#attribute#analyse('public int m_foobar;')
{'static': 0, 'name': 'm_foobar', 'type': 'int', 'visibility': 'public'}