
Azure Conatainer Instances Deployment Errors since few weeks ago

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I had for a lot of time a Container Instance in my azure subscription working well. But... i clicked in stop by error, and it didn't start anymore with an error like "inaccessibleImage". I decided to deploy it from zero again, so easey. Now the problems.. it's been impossible for me to deploy again the image, it only works if I run it in my docker desktop at home, why? dont know, maybe someone can help me.

Here an screenshot with the deployment failure:

I tried with ":latest" at the end of the url to the docker image. I tried without nothing, just with "lucatnt/telegram-bot-amazon" as the readme file says. But impossible mission.

Here another screenshot of the deployment with the parameters used:

Thank you in advanced and thank you @LucaTNT for this amazing job!