
Expected string got int

kenorb opened this issue · 2 comments


  - repo:
    sha: v1.1.7
      - id: forbid-crlf
        files: \.groovy$
      - id: forbid-tabs
        files: \.groovy$
      - id: insert-license
        files: \.groovy$
      - id: remove-crlf
        files: \.groovy$
      - id: remove-tabs
        args: [--whitespaces-count, 2]  # Defaults to: 4.
        files: \.groovy$

Error on pre-commit run -a:

An error has occurred: InvalidConfigError:
==> File .pre-commit-config.yaml
==> At Config()
==> At key: repos
==> At Repository(repo='')
==> At key: hooks
==> At Hook(id='remove-tabs')
==> At key: args
==> At index 1
=====> Expected string got int
Check the log at ~/.cache/pre-commit/pre-commit.log

Ok, it seems README got it wrong.

Added apostrophes and it works fine:

       - id: remove-tabs
         args: ['--whitespaces-count', '2']  # Defaults to: 4.

I fixed the README, thanks for reporting this