
sonar-java-plugin doesn't find any issues

Closed this issue · 6 comments

sonarlintPlugins '' doesn't find any smells or bugs, where it was finding hundreds before in

Seems that that version of the plugin can't be used with Sonarlint.

I got this in the log:

2023-07-25T16:22:55.468+0200 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] Plugin 'Java Code Quality and Security' requires plugin API 9.9 while SonarLint supports only up to 8.9. Skip loading it.

I shall see if I can improve the error handling around how the loading of the plugins to catch this so the user can be notified.

thanks, it would be helpful if the task fails so that my CI pipeline fails this upgrade

Fixed in release 1.0.0-beta.17

@Lucas3oo Why do you still use the outdated org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core:sonarlint-core: while the latest version is

It prevents us from upgrading the sonar-java-plugin.

The API in 9.6 is quite different so I did a stab on it but didn't get that far. I will look into this once more.

Happy to say that it wasn't that much work after all. So enjoy: version 2.0 of the plugin which works with sonarlint core 9.6;