
Make a GIF for each sorting algorithm

LucasPilla opened this issue · 10 comments

The idea is basically record a gif for all sorting algorithms, with the same delay and size, to replace the GIFS from github wiki page

Hey! This looks a fairly easy task and I think I can do it. Let me know if you want me to work on it, I'll be happy to do it.


@LucasPilla I've done the changes but can't figure it how to open a pull request for the wiki. The link for my repo is HERE

Unfortunately there is no way to open a pr for the wiki page!
@asinghgaba I'm so sorry, I thought i had specified the size and I forgot to insert an exemple.
I would chose a size of 200 and the gif should contain just the bars, example:
I appreciate what you did, it must have taken you some time to record those gifs. I would be so thankful if you remake it.
Anyway, i will manage some way to insert you as a contributor.

Okay no problem I’ll do that by tonight and let you know once it’s done.

UPDATE @LucasPilla the changes are done, tbh it looks much cleaner now.

@asinghgaba Wow, it looks incredible!
Can I use your repository as a ofical way to contribute in wiki page? So if anyone wants to contribute they will commit to your repo.

Thank you @LucasPilla
Yh no problem at all.

@asinghgaba Can you open a pull request to my repo adding a folder with all gifs?

Okay, I'll do it now.