Logo of the project

Elephant RH

This application is ruby app to psychologist's public. Registering patients and your consultations.


Here are the technologies used in this project.

  • Ruby version 2.5.1
  • Ruby on Rails version 5.2.4
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • PostgreSQL

Services Used

  • Github
  • Heroku

Ruby Gems

  • Devise
  • Carrierwave
  • Mini Magick
  • Rails Admin
  • Cancancan
  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery

Getting started

  • Dependency

    • Docker
    • Docker Compose
  • To build the containers:

$ sudo docker-compose build

  • To create the bank and do as migrations:

$ sudo docker-compose run --rm app bundle exec rake db:seed

  • To install as gens:

$ sudo docker-compose run --rm app bundle install

  • To run the project:

$ sudo docker-compose up

How to use

Insert your patients and fill the psicologic form.

In Patients tab you can see all patients inserted and their form.

You can also print a pdf or see the psicologic graph about the patient!!



The main features of the application are:

  • Fill a psicologic form about a patient.
  • Create a patient.
  • Edit his form.
  • See the psicologic graph made above the concepts in or out the pdf form.




  • Lucas Siqueira Fernandes

Please follow github and join us! Thanks to visiting me and good coding!