
MERN Stack Final Project for Skillspire

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


MERN Stack Final Project for Skillspire

About: Full Stack application where I pushed myself to go above and beyond. Aside from the requirements given for the project I also decided I wanted to learn a bit of NodeJS authentication which was quite different from firebase, went in depth with Reduxthunk and used some of the things I leanred from external sources. First I set up the server, routes, models, controllers and middleware to handle CRUD operations for authentication, post creation/delete/read/updates and I used JWTs through middleware and saved the tokens to local storage. On the front end I displayed all the data and had routes for users to longin/sign-up as well as the ability to search users and display their profiles. Reduxthunk helped to asynchronously fetch and store data as state from my API. Also included the ability for users to unload images for their individual posts which was done by storing the images to firebase which returns the image urls which can then be used to display them on each post.

Purpose: This was my final project for Skillspire Fullstack Bootcamp we were to make MERN Stack apps using what we learned thorughout the course.

Likes: I enjoyed this project along with the bootcamp because it gave me deadlines and goals, therefore pushing me and then showing that I am capable and got me excited for my future as a developer.

Difficulties: I did a lot of research on authorization before deciding what to do, so deciding what to go with was the most difficult thing

Time: Took around 30 hrs, I pushed my self to see how fast I could make it in 3 days.