Adding a new placeholder.
samparotony228 opened this issue · 2 comments
samparotony228 commented
Hello dear developer. Currently there is a placeholder "%luckperms_meta_weight%" which displays the weight of the current group in number format. Is there a placeholder where I can specify a specific group name to check its weight?
Proposed Behaviour
For example, something like this: "%luckperms_meta_weight_{group}%"
Extra Details
If this does not exist yet, this will be a very useful thing for creating functions/commands where you can compare the weights of groups through conditions.
BNTFryingPan commented
when making commands, you should be using the api to make requests like this
samparotony228 commented
when making commands, you should be using the api to make requests like this
I make a command through a plugin, I don't create the plugin itself.