
Frame Position is not Saved Properly (Persistently)

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tflo commented

Would it be asking too much if I asked you to save the frame position properly, i.e in the add-on’s preferences file inside the SavedVariables directory? (and not in layout-local.txt)


I have numerous alts, and I load the add-on only when I need it, for example like today where new chapters of the campaign became available.

As you certainly know, “saving” the frame position to a temporary dump location like layout-local.txt is not persistent, and has the effect that I have to reposition the frame each and every time I load the add-on (if it was not loaded in the previous session).

Not game-breaking, but in the long run quite annoying if you have more than a couple of chars. A persistent save (and ofc across all chars) would be very welcome.

As a side note, maybe also saving the most recently loaded guide would not be a bad idea. (Maybe it behaves already like that, and it just got reset by me updating the add-on, not sure. In the latter case, ignore this line.)

TIA for considering,
and… thanks for developing this pretty good add-on

– Tom