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This lib is by far the best transformer for views and images I've seen so far, and also the physics are great, pinching works correctly and you've done awesome work.

I'm using this tool to create something like a "Storymaker" (you might know this from Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram), where you can basically add images, zoom them, scale them, transform then, add text to it etc.

My first tests were awesome. After the user is done I use the captureRef Snapshot API from Expo to make a picture out of my composition, which gehts uploaded to the server. Results are just 1:1. Its great.

What I am missing so far:

  1. Rotation
  2. minScale prop
  3. Free Drag (without resetting to the center, withing and out of bounds).

I patched the file for testing purposes and I see that you already have a internal minScale const, which should actually just be a prop and it works as intended (providing negativ values).

What I couldn't achieve in my quick tests were to "free drag" the element in my view without snapping back to center.

Do you think you could add support for my 3 suggestions? That would be awesome.
Great work!