
[QUESTION] Android performance issues with around 1000 images

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks for your effort, this library is very promissing. I love the easy API you provide.

I would like to ask if you have tested this library with set of around 1000 images? I've tried running 800 remote images on release build (with performance optimizations), on top tier Android device and performance is unbereable. Also I applied props that are supposed to speed things up, with no noticeable effect.

loadMinimal={true} loadMinimalSize={1} sensitiveScroll={false}

Maybe it's worth to mention that I tried your other library, react-native-gallery-swiper and the performance was great. Unfortunately I have to specify starting index, that's why I switched for this one.

Do you have any advice how could I speed things up? Thanks!


Sorry for the really late reply. This package only fully support iOS at the moment. In the near future, this package will be fully compatible with Android devices.

Thanks for the answer. I managed to work around this splitting images to a safe 50 chunks and re-mounting component when reaching last image of the chunk.

@kubaue can you share code sample?

Thanks for the answer. I managed to work around this splitting images to a safe 50 chunks and re-mounting component when reaching last image of the chunk.