
.NET SDK for Azure OpenAI platform

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Azure OpenAI .NET Client

This project contains an implementation of a pre-configured injectable OpenAIClient which can be used to communicate to the Azure OpenAI platform instead of relying purely on hand-crafted REST API calls.

OpenAIClient settings

The following settings allow the OpenAI client to connect to your Azure resource, authenticate, and work with the right deployment model you've created in the portal.

Setting Purpose Example
BaseUri The fully qualified domain name of the OpenAI resource in Azure. https://myai.openai.azure.com/
ApiKey The API key used to authenticate the client to OpenAI in Azure. 1bbcc11a3a233857zz12aa5f2fake99af7d9c
DeploymentName The name of the deployment for a given OpenAI model. text-davinci-002
ApiVersion The API version for your OpenAI resource. 2022-12-01


The section below shows an example JSON configuration which can be stored in your secrets.json file, appsettings.development.json, or appsettings.json.

"OpenAiClientConfiguration": {
    "BaseUri": "[your_fqdn]",
    "ApiKey": "[your_api_key]",
    "DeploymentName": "[your_deployment_name]",
    "ApiVersion": "[supported_api_version]"

Setup in Program.cs

In your .NET application, you can use the NuGet package to allow for the following extension method which will register a singleton reference of the OpenAIClient instance.

builder.Services.AddOpenAIClient(x => builder.Configuration.Bind(nameof(OpenAIClientConfiguration), x));

OpenAIClient usage

Since the OpenAIClient is registered for Dependency Injection, you can inject it and use it with the GetTextCompletionResponseAsync() method. The CompletionResponse contains the model OpenAI uses with their typical REST API.

public class MyClass
    private readonly OpenAIClient _client;

    public MyClass(OpenAIClient client)
        _client = client;

    Task DoWork(string input)
        var completionRequest = new CompletionRequest()
                Prompt = input,
                MaxTokens = 100
        CompletionResponse? completionResponse = await _openAiClient.GetTextCompletionResponseAsync(completionRequest);            