I am iOS Developer, WWDC 22 winner, Apple Academy alumni and Software Engineering student. With more than five published Apps/Games and 3+ years of experience.
BrasĂlia, Brazil
LuizAraujo2020's Following
- maryamchrsRound Table Apps
- aleksasimic
- Thieurom
- mhaviv@foxcorp
- megabitsenmzqTokyo, Japan
- rgommezzLondon
- felipeAguiarCode@digitalinnovationone
- ovidiumuntean-imawoIMAWO INC
- KevinTopollajAustria
- cabljac@invertase
- amosgyamfi@GetStream
- JulianaTyelle
- paulorsaf
- jparksecurityBrazil
- lkasvrNumix LLC
- AgapovOneAviasales
- jpmacleure
- lucaswkuipers@amo
- LucasVanDongenBlue Rhizome
- tonilijicSwitzerland
- JamesSedlacekSedlacek Solutions LLC
- timonchev@codispace
- ram2386@proximity-tech
- hmlongcoInRhythm
- dellOne Dell Way, Round Rock, TX USA
- amrangry@ITWORX
- VAndrJUkraine
- Universidade-LivreBrazil
- sul-dlssStanford, CA
- sergeyleschevComputer science
- peterfrieseGoogle
- adrianbilescuenEndava
- diti223Cluj-Napoca
- LuizGregorio
- RenanJPaulaBrasil
- digitalinnovationone