
How to get into a year-end project ?


figure out:

  • the abilities of each members,
  • what they like,
  • the projects they're working on at the same time

Organisation and tools

Github - Branches

  • have the same norm (ex: feature/...)
  • merge branches ONLY with Github pull requests
  • you can protect the main branch in the settings to only be able to make changes on it after a verified pull request
  • you can assign people to look at the pull request and only merge after they approved
  • comment the pull requests example of a pull request:

Github - Commits

  • have the same norm for the whole group => ex
  • detail commits:
    • first line for type of commit (addition, modification, fix of a bug, ...), file(s) modified and overlook
    • second line is gonna detail more what you did

Github - Projects

  • issues
  • project template
  • roadmap
  • link branches / pull requests to issue
  • link CLI to issues
  • explanations here

Github - Actions (or CI/CD)

You already did the Chocolatine ;)

  • mirroring
  • compilation (you wouldn't want a build failed on the last TA)
  • criterion tests


To use Discord as a notifier for each action of your repository, you'll need to make a server with different channels for different topics; ex:

  • general
  • webhook
  • voice channel

Now we can start to configure the Discord server :

  • Go to the server's settings
  • Click on "Integrations"
  • Click on "Webhooks"
  • "New webhook", then copy the url

Don't forget to give it a name and to choose the channel where you want to receive the messages...

Now you need to go to the settings of your Github repository :

  • Go to "Webhook" on the left sidebar
  • "Add webhook"
  • Paste the url and add a /github at the end of it
  • Switch from "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" to "application/json"
  • Then you choose which notification you want to receive on the discord channel
  • After this, click on "Add webhook"

You'll see that it works if after adding the webhook, there's a validation sign on the left side of the webhook