

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Please fill out:

  • MovieMatch version: v1
  • System: Docker
  • Plex Version: 1.23

Describe the bug Hello again. I have been putting together my web server again and I followed the configuration we discussed before and on the Github but I am again failing to get the website to display as a subfolder on a domain.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
131 moviematch:
132 image: lukechannings/moviematch:latest
133 container_name: moviematch
134 environment:
135 PLEX_URL: "http://:32400"
137 ROOT_PATH: "/moviematch"
138 ports:
139 - 8000:8000

nginx .conf
11 location ^~ /moviematch/ {
29 set $upstream_proto http;
30 proxy_pass $upstream_proto://moviematch/;
31 proxy_pass_header Content-Type;
35 }

Expected behavior
Moviematch on the subfolder.




  • Browser Chrome
  • Version 91

Hey Vish,

It looks like the paths are correct based on the HTML in your screenshot.
This looks suspicious: proxy_pass $upstream_proto://moviematch/;
Can you use the nginx.conf from the docs and see if that works?

It looks like what's happening is that you're proxying /moviematch/$1 to /moviematch/$1 on the backend, but you should be proxying /moviematch/$1 to /$1 on the backend.

Thanks so much for your tip Luke. I exactly copied the doc and it seems to work! The moviematch above was due to me using the upstream command in nginx:

16 upstream moviematch {
17 server ***:8000;
18 }

But I just won't use that for now. Thanks again!