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I want to install WinesapOS on my PC but WinesapOS requires 512+ GB and I have a 250 GB NVme drive and It keeps on freezing whenever I'm on the installing part


  • 250 GB NVme
  • 8GB RAM
  • intel core i5 8th gen
  • x64
  • UEFI

winesapos version

Hey @GuestSneezeOSDev , sorry to hear about your issues. I'd be happy to help out.

At most, the performance and secure images are 25 GiB in size. The minimal image is 8 GiB in size. winesapOS will automatically resize the root file system to fill up all addition space.

How exactly are you installing winesapOS?

  1. Flashing to an external/portable NVMe drive in a USB enclosure.
  2. Flashing to an internal NVMe drive.
  3. Following the new dual-boot guide.

Do you see any errors that you can share?

i just want to know can i make a 64 GB partition for winesapos? will it still install?

Okay, I see. You want to (1) install winesapOS on an internal drive and (2) use a smaller partition instead of using all of the available space.

You need winesapOS 4.1.0-beta.0 to do this:

You need to create the partitions in this layout:

Then follow the dual-boot guide. The only difference is that you need create the EFI partition if it does not exist already (mkfs.vfat /dev/<DEVICE><PARTITION_NUMBER>).

We will eventually provide an installer which will make this process a bit easier: #370

thanks very much i appreciate it i might be able to help by making it all into a .sh file

Thanks, simplifying these steps into a script would be great to help others!