
Recipes translated to other languages

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I had an idea to translate all recipes to Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and later to Portuguese.

First wanted to see if this is acceptable to do, idea is to have main site in English like now and have options to click at the top to change the language. When clicked on Serbian (RS) for example it would redirect user to and other recipes would go throw example

Doing this will make available to audience that doesn't speak English. (Like mine is anything good)

PS: there could be a rule to keep the original owners donation/website and add below translated by ___

Regards of author that translated, could there be added like for regular authors folder also for authors that translated. This would make process of who translated much easier.

I am theoretically okay with this, so long as I am doing 0% of the work and people can provide me with a full-finished project I don't have to worry about.