
High Focus Mode

Closed this issue · 1 comments

What is it?

High Focus Mode is a proposal of another way of managing tasks. In simple terms, the rules are:

  • Tasks should be assigned a priority
  • Higher priority tasks should be placed first
  • Users will only see one task at a time, with no way of getting the list saved tasks.


In High Focus Mode, users are assigned to tasks rather than choosing a random one to do. Limiting the choices can reduce distractions, and providing more direct quests. See this article about the known "Paradox of choice" or maybe Hick's Law.


High Focus Mode must be implemented in a way it keeps Phived as simple as it is, whilst providing a new powerful solution that reduces distractions and maintain user goals.

As I suggestion, I propose a new button next to the logo with some with some Zen reference icon like a Buda or something what when active merges all tasks into two lines.
The first line is the task itself, with a button done, the way it is now.
The second line is a text input an a dropdown/select/slider that describes its priority.

To keep it simple. I suggest a dropdown or select that provides three levels of priorities:

  1. Urgency
  2. Normal
  3. Forgettable


How many tasks can user add?


What if the user disables High Focus Mode?

It must delete all user registered tasks, but inform and ask beforehand.

Isn't it too complex for a simple todo app?

Maybe, it's just a suggestion what can be explored.

What if the user registers too many Urgent tasks? Will Forgettable tasks never be done?

I think so, it should be sorted first by priority, then by creation.

howdy! i find this idea interesting, but it is not something i'm a) willing to maintain b) confident in the ux win of

thank you for your contribution!