
Traviso is an open source JS engine that makes it easy to build isometric applications that run in a web browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Traviso Isometric JS Engine

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JavaScript Isometric World Engine

Traviso is an open source JS engine that makes it easy to build isometric applications that run in a web browser. It aims maximum flexibility in order you to implement your own logic on top of it. Along with a set of optimised algorithms, Traviso is built on top of the awesomely fast pixi.js rendering engine.

If you’re interested, you can follow me on twitter (@axaq) or visit the website for more info.



You can found the documentation here

What is Ahead

  • More tutorials
  • Built-in multi-controllable support
  • Priority levels for moving objects
  • Built-in support for block-like tiles
  • Ground/terrain height
  • Fog of war


Do you want to contribute? That's awesome. You can either message me through Twitter (@axaq) or use the Traviso.js blog.

How to build

Traviso.js is build with Grunt. If you don't already have this, go install Node and NPM then install the Grunt Command Line.

$> npm install -g grunt-cli

Then, in the 'tools' folder where you have downloaded the source, install the build dependencies using npm:

$> cd tools
$> npm install

Then build:

$> grunt

This will create a minified version at bin/traviso.js and a non-minified version at bin/traviso.dev.js.


    // Here, we initialize the pixi application
    var pixiRoot = new PIXI.Application(800, 600, { backgroundColor : 0xFFFFFF });

    // add the renderer view element to the DOM
    // engine-instance configuration object
    var instanceConfig = {
        mapDataPath : "mapData.json", // the path to the json file that defines map data, required
        assetsToLoad : ["../assets/spritesheet.json", "../assets/house.png"], // array of paths to the assets that are desired to be loaded by traviso, no need to use if assets are already loaded to PIXI cache, default null
    // initialize traviso instance and add it to the stage
    var engine = TRAVISO.getEngineInstance(instanceConfig);

This content is released under the (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) MIT License.