
Simple jQuery widget that adds spreadsheet-like cell cloning capabilities to HTML tables.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dolly.js - Clone your tables easily

Dolly.js is a simple and generic jQuery UI widget that adds excel-like cloning functionality to your tables. It works with any tabular structure (not only semantic html tables) and does not make any assumptions about the underlying data structure. It handles the UI part of cloning only - the implementation of business cloning logic is left to the widget's users.


Call the dolly method on every table cell that should have cloning functionality. Then listen on cloned event to handle the data-related part of cloning.

  cloned: function (event, ui) {
    console.log(this, "has been cloned " + ui.cloneX + " cells horizontally and " + ui.cloneY + " vertically.");

You can find more elaborate examples in the examples directory.



Enable possiblity to select cells in an area. Defaults to false. Example:

  allowDiagonalSelection: true,
  rowSelector: 'div.row',
  cellSelector: 'div.cell'

will make possible to select a group of cells like this:

cloning an area of cells


jQuery selector for elements that should be considered the rows of the table. Defaults to "tr". Example:

  rowSelector: 'div.row',
  cellSelector: 'div.cell'


jQuery selector for elements that should be considered the cells of the table. Defaults to "td". Example:

  rowSelector: 'div.row',
  cellSelector: 'div.cell'


Object with custom CSS styles assigned to the selection box displayed when user clones cells. For example:

  boxStyle: {
    "background-color": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)",
     border: "3px red dotted"

will result in a selection box like this:

red clone box

You can also style this with CSS dolly-box class.


Object with custom CSS styles assigned to the handle of the cloning box.

  handleStyle: {
    width: "0",
    height: "0",
    "background-color": "transparent",
    "border-top": "7px solid transparent",
    "border-left": "7px solid transparent",
    "border-bottom": "7px solid black",
    "border-right": "7px solid black",

will result in a triangular handle like this:

triangular dolly handle

You can also style this with CSS dolly-handle class.


In all event callbacks this is bound to the origin HTML cell element.

Contents of ui object

The ui object is passed as the second argument to every callback. It contains:

  • originX - position of cell in row that triggered the event (0-indexed).
  • originY - position of row containing cell that triggered the event (0-indexed).
  • cloneX - number of cells selected for cloning horizontally. Negative values stand for cloning to the left, positive to the right.
  • cloneY - number of cells selected for cloning vertically. Negative values stand for cloning up, positive for cloning down.


Triggered whenever user requests cloning of a cell. You can pass a callback during dolly initialization like this:

  cloned: function (event, ui) {

or listen on dollycloned event:

$(cell).dolly().on('dollycloned', function (event, ui) {...});


Triggered whenever the size of selection box changes. This does not mean a clone request, just a user moving the handle. After user releases the handle, cloned event is triggered.

Once again you can pass a callback directly or listen on dollyselected event.