
[Hacktoberfest] Good basic IDE setup for the master branch

ChristianChiarulli opened this issue · 3 comments

A few common languages, show examples for:

  • formatters
  • linters
  • keymaps
  • plugins
  • options

I don't understand the objective of this, what's the difference with nvim-basic-ide?

I think this issue gets in the way of all of the other issues which are for basic ide configs for each language and to be submitted to {language}-ide branches. Hence why someone has already submitted a PR which basically is trying to create a config for all the languages which should be done individually.

@vitorf7 The PR doesn't combine all the branches into one, it just adds the bare minimum to get diagnostics, formatting and completions working for a few common languages and adds a few extra plugins. Any configuration that is too specific to one language and not needed for another has been left out.