
Cannot read property 'CONTAIN' of undefined.

dSukanta opened this issue · 5 comments

If I install the package and do whatever mentioned in the npm documents , then I got error undefined Unable to resolve module @react-native-media-console/reanimated and if I remove the line- import {useAnimations} from '@react-native-media-console/reanimated'; got error -TypeError: Cannot read property 'CONTAIN' of undefined. What could fix this issue , any idea?


From the docs:


SOLUTION: Try to use react-native-video@6.0.0-beta.3

You can also find the GitHub Docs here:

@LunatiqueCoder is there anything extra installation guide for react-native-video@6.0.0-beta.3? Because , after installation , when I reran the app , I'm getting build error - > Task :app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses FAILED


I'm not sure but here are a few suggestions:

  • Android only: cd android && ./gradlew clean && cd ..
  • iOS only: cd ios && pod install && cd ..
  • Delete already installed apps before building/installing again
  • Delete node_modules by running rm -rf node_modules

What version of React Native are you using? Also, are you using Expo?

@dSukanta Here's a link to react-native-video installation docs, might be helpful:

Keep in mind they're a work in progress!

@dSukanta Also, be sure you don't have @types/react-native-video installed.