
Import not working after 0.4.*

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I can't use the component after the update to 0.4.*

It says:

Failed to compile. ./node_modules/vue-bulma-accordion/dist/vue-bulma-accordion.common.js
Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/src/node_modules/vue-bulma-accordion/dist/vue-bulma-accordion.common.js'

I use the following in my component:
import { BulmaAccordion, BulmaAccordionItem } from 'vue-bulma-accordion';

Am I doing something wrong?

It seems like your build tool is looking in the wrong directory - no such file or directory, open '/src/node_modules/vue-bulma-accordion/dist/vue-bulma-accordion.common.js'. The /src bit probably shouldn't be there.

What build tool are you using? Webpack?

I'm using webpack. It's the vue webpack starter template

Can you share your webpack config?

Also, is there any particular reason you're using the starter template instead of the new Vue CLI?

I'm on mobile, I can share tomorrow. But it's the base config. The project is older than vue cli 3 that's why we still use the starter.