
error occur when compile

Opened this issue · 1 comments

hcyGo commented

rust-pfring-sys$ cargo +nightly build
Compiling pfring-sys v0.0.1 (/home/ababaabb/works/rust-pfring-sys)
error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
114 | / pub struct kcompact_ipv6_hdr {
115 | | pub bitfield_1: __BindgenBitfieldUnit<[u8; 4usize], u32>,
116 | | pub payload_len: uint16_t,
117 | | pub nexthdr: uint8_t,
... |
120 | | pub daddr: in6_addr,
121 | | }
| |

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
214 | / pub struct tunnel_info {
215 | | pub tunnel_id: uint32_t,
216 | | pub tunneled_ip_version: uint8_t,
217 | | pub tunneled_proto: uint8_t,
... |
221 | | pub tunneled_l4_dst_port: uint16_t,
222 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
251 | / pub struct pkt_parsing_info {
252 | | pub dmac: [uint8_t; 6usize],
253 | | pub smac: [uint8_t; 6usize],
254 | | pub eth_type: uint16_t,
... |
269 | | pub offset: pkt_offset,
270 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
300 | / pub struct pfring_extended_pkthdr {
301 | | pub timestamp_ns: uint64_t,
302 | | pub flags: uint32_t,
303 | | pub rx_direction: uint8_t,
... |
307 | | pub parsed_pkt: pkt_parsing_info,
308 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
317 | / pub struct pfring_pkthdr {
318 | | pub ts: timeval,
319 | | pub caplen: uint32_t,
320 | | pub len: uint32_t,
321 | | pub extended_hdr: pfring_extended_pkthdr,
322 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
335 | / pub struct filtering_rule_core_fields {
336 | | pub if_index: i32,
337 | | pub smac: [uint8_t; 6usize],
338 | | pub dmac: [uint8_t; 6usize],
... |
350 | | pub tcp: filtering_rule_core_fields__bindgen_ty_1,
351 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
359 | / pub struct filtering_rule_extended_fields {
360 | | pub optional_fields: uint16_t,
361 | | pub tunnel: filtering_rule_extended_fields__bindgen_ty_1,
362 | | pub payload_pattern: [libc::c_char; 32usize],
363 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
402 | / pub struct filtering_rule {
403 | | pub rule_id: uint16_t,
404 | | pub rule_action: rule_action_behaviour,
405 | | pub balance_id: uint8_t,
... |
412 | | pub internals: filtering_internals,
413 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
441 | / pub struct silicom_redirector_hw_rule {
442 | | pub rule_type: silicom_redirector_rule_type,
443 | | pub rule_port: uint8_t,
444 | | pub rule_target_port: uint8_t,
... |
455 | | pub dst_port_high: uint16_t,
456 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
462 | / pub struct accolade_hw_rule {
463 | | pub action: accolade_rule_action_type,
464 | | pub port_mask: uint32_t,
465 | | pub ip_version: uint8_t,
... |
477 | | pub l4_port_not: uint8_t,
478 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
491 | / pub struct generic_flow_tuple_hw_rule {
492 | | pub action: generic_flow_rule_action_type,
493 | | pub src_ip: ip_addr,
494 | | pub dst_ip: ip_addr,
... |
499 | | pub interface: uint8_t,
500 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
511 | / pub struct hw_filtering_rule {
512 | | pub rule_family_type: hw_filtering_rule_type,
513 | | pub rule_id: uint16_t,
514 | | pub rule_family: hw_filtering_rule__bindgen_ty_1,
515 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
538 | / pub struct generic_flow_update {
539 | | pub flow_id: uint32_t,
540 | | pub ip_version: uint8_t,
541 | | pub l4_protocol: uint8_t,
... |
555 | | pub rev_ts_last: pfring_timespec,
556 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
595 | / pub struct hash_filtering_rule {
596 | | pub rule_id: uint16_t,
597 | | pub vlan_id: uint16_t,
598 | | pub ip_version: uint8_t,
... |
606 | | pub internals: filtering_internals,
607 | | }
| |_^

error[E0588]: packed type cannot transitively contain a [repr(align)] type
--> src/linux/
618 | / pub struct sw_filtering_hash_bucket {
619 | | pub rule: hash_filtering_rule,
620 | | pub match
: uint64_t,
621 | | pub filtered: uint64_t,
622 | | pub match_forward: uint64_t,
623 | | pub next: *mut sw_filtering_hash_bucket,
624 | | }
| |

error: aborting due to 15 previous errors

For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0588.
error: Could not compile pfring-sys.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose


这个问题相关的讨论看起来在这里: rust-lang/rust-bindgen#537

C 代码:

Rust 转译代码:

我不是很熟悉 C, 所以我目前不太清楚这个需要怎么翻译。