
Help with updateStokesEquation

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Do you have any examples where you have updated the visocisty as a function fo velocity and pressure using setStokesEquation in the StokesProblemCartesian class?

Thanks, Louise


I am embarrassed to admit that I cannot find an example but to update viscosity during the iteration process this should work: you define a new subclass of StokesProblemCartesian and overwrite the updateStokesEquation method:

class StokesProblemLouise(StokesProblemCartesian):
def updateStokesEquation(self, v, p):
new_eta = ....
self.setStokesEquation(eta=inerpolate(new_eta, Function(self.domain))

You can use instances of StokesProblemLouise in the same way you use instances of StokesProblemCartesian.
Please note that you need to run this with a second-order mesh for velocity (with or without useMacroElements=True).

PS: StokesProblemCartesian is not included in version 6.0 anymore.

Hope that helps. More question? - let me know.