
Title bar is not blurred in KDE Plasma 5.25 (Beta)

Opened this issue ยท 24 comments

Yesterday I updated my Plasma to 5.25 (Beta) and noticed the title bar is not blurred. I haven't had any issues when I use Plasma 5.24.

Operating System: Arch Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.90
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.94.0
Qt Version: 5.15.4
Kernel Version: 5.17.9-arch1-1 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Lightly version: The latest commit from git


Officially 5.25 is out now, and yes โ€” titlebars aren't blurred anymore.

AFAIK, you must use setBlurRegion API on the code to make blur enabled, like ClassiK: paulmcauley/klassy@fe48c05

But weirdly, in my case, Konsole is still blurred

Yup, I've noteced as well that Konsole is perfectly blurred. It uses older version of Qt widgetset maybe? Just an assumption.

Yup, I've noteced as well that Konsole is perfectly blurred. It uses older version of Qt widgetset maybe? Just an assumption.

We just can waiting for @Luwx to implement it or someone making a pull request for it.

@adam-adrian Looks very nice. Which color scheme do you use to have the dark theme?

Willow dark glass

And I can see a nice lighter bevel around your windows. Looks great, how have you got this?
I use to workaround corners bug, but it doesn't provide such nice bevel (AFAIK).

I don't know, maybe from the lightly itself

I've noticed a weird situation. Konsole, Dolphin, and System Settings have blurred title bars but when I try to resize windows, the title bar blur has gone...

I believe the reason that Konsole seems to be blurred is because blur was manually enabled. Without shaders, Konsole has Korners because a blurred rectangle is being drawn behind the whole window. Blur has been broken in Konsole for a while now. I guess it just wasn't noticed because blur was enabled manually. If you disable the option to blur Konsole, you will probably see this:

@plashenkov Have you checked the settings for the shaders in System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Desktop Effects? From there you can turn the bevel on.

@doncsugar Yup, I've already found it. It was hard since there's no info about how to open LightlyShaders config in Luwx/LightlyShaders or a-parhom/LightlyShaders readme :)

Thanks for your Willow theme indeed! I've found Lightly and LightlyShaders thanks to you.

@plashenkov You're welcome! Of course, I couldn't have made Willow if Luwx hadn't taken the time to made Lightly!

daxid commented

Missing blur in tittle bars is surely killing the vibe :-(

Anybody on this ?

Thanks @adam-adrian for your input (pretty much the only comment related to the original issue here), but I could not understand what to make with it...

Best regards

boehs commented

Anybody on this ?


Also see #188

Hey @boehs, that's great, thank you! Your version works with 5.25

daxid commented

Absolutely, I just built it and the blur vibe is back :-)

Good enough for now. Thanks a ton @boehs

Sorry, I cannot create issues in your repo.

Please consider adding dark color scheme. This one looks nice:
It can be used as a common color scheme or for some specific applications (Konsole, for example).

boehs commented

Sorry, I cannot create issues in your repo.


Please consider adding dark color scheme. This one looks nice:

Will do today

From now one there could be two versions of Lightly in Plasma 5.25: One with fully opaque titlebar and one with blurred titlebar!

You all may have noticed that michaelwalld has solved the issue of titlebar not being blurred in Plasma 5.25 and has made a pull request on it: #190

At the moment, if you want to have titlebars blurred in Plasma 5.25 - uninstall Lightly and re-install it from Michael's fork:

I'd like to add, that after first shock, a fully opaque titlebar in Plasma 5.25 is actually quite beautiful. So I suggest that from now on there could be two versions of Lightly: One with fully opaque titlebar and one with blurred titlebar.....

boehs commented

@Lumipyry on my fork I've merged several additional patches ( and will continue to do so until

  1. Luwx comes back
  2. Someone begins maintaining this repository on their behalf

@boehs I'm using your version and encounter visual glitches where there are blurred areas. For example, if I open Dolphin, everything is okay, but when I open another app's window, or if I open some menus, glitches appear on the Dolphin's window titlebar. Did you see something like that?



boehs commented

Did you see something like that?

No, but I recall seeing some issue opened here similar to that. Let me look around. What distro are you using?

@boehs I'm using KDE neon 5.26 (based on Ubuntu 20.04) with all latest updates.