
Please make a Plasma Style consistent with this Application Style (Feature Request)

Opened this issue · 9 comments

I tried making one but I am not super good with inkscape and I don't have Adobe Illustrator. I only have Affinity Designer which doesn't support .svgz. Besides, I have never made a theme before. So it would be really nice if you (guys?) could make a Plasma Theme/Style as well so that Lightly doesn't look out of place,

What did you have in mind? Could you post a draft of how it would look? I may be able to help.

I can describe how it looks, I am not sure how to make a draft. Basically, it would use a similar design style to Lightly's. Similar selection highlights, similar buttln backgrounds, similar tabs and the way they are divided for example in the kick off

I believe it may be possible, but tabs will likely be difficult (tabbar?).

If you would rather not make a theme, I can make a bare-bones theme in a few months (lineedit, button, actionbutton, slider, radiobutton, tabbar, scrollbar, plasmoidheading, *background, checkmarks, bar_meter*). In the meantime, Willow or Amethyst is probably what you are looking for. You can swap out the icons in icons/ for another theme's.

If you are interested in contributing a theme, even if it takes a little while to learn, the most important parts of Inkscape I use to make themes quickly are:

  • cloning for saving hours of time
  • entering and exiting groups
  • Select and Node tools
  • moving up and down layers, rotating/mirroring
  • boolean path operations (e.g. union, difference, intersection) for making corners
  • XML editor, Fill and Stroke, grids in Document Properties and snapping to grids
  • linear and radial gradients for shadow and glow

This and the Theme Details page were very helpful:
There's also Niccolo's tutorial, but I think it's a bit long-winded:
Copying Breeze from /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme feels easier.

Willow is kinda not my thing, I could make it my thing by customizing it a little bit but I'd rather try to learn and contribute to your plasma theme. I am usually super busy because of University but I will try to learn and contribute to your project. If you end up starting to make a plasma theme, please paste the link to the remote repository here.

Will post it here. I wouldn't worry too much about learning plasma themes. They're really just pictures of assets that occasionally get layered on top of each other. Many are 3x3 grids and some offer special behavior controlled by the presence/absence of objects with a specific name. If your university offers something like Lynda learning, it wouldn't hurt to look at a few Inkscape tutorials. Thanks for being willing to help!

Here it is:
I think making this has ruined Lightly for me. @Luwx, does every shadow extend outside of its bounding box?

Still not sure how the tasks.svg should be, any ideas? It could also use a frame.svg (used in Application Menu). Checkboxes are broken and there will probably need to be a few bug reports to KDE before it works properly.

This is amazing work, really really appreciate this. I haven't been able to learn plasma themeing yet tho because of exams but I will soon and contribute if I get time (I also have to do internships). I really appreciate this work tho.

@doncsugar I believe you should announce this project on r/kde and r/kdeneon so you can get more support and recognition. People there love the lightly application style. If you want, I could do it for you but then I will be earning the internet points you better deserve.

I don't mind if you do it, that's fine. I think I have enough support and recognition for the project, but Luwx could probably use a hand. I made it accessible through knewstuff: (I think)