
Weird menubar dual transparency level

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Any idea why menubar looks like this?

you could just use a global menu and problem solved right?

you could just use a global menu and problem solved right?

That's not really a solution for this issue though.
Also, global menu is not very good when you use default bottom panel and not top panel + dock. It would require adding another panel just for global menu, which takes space permanently. While with menu bar its inside the window and KDE Apps even allow you to easily hide the menu bar with ctrl + M when you don't need it.

I made a change for that issue a few months ago ..
See : #98

I made a change for that issue a few months ago .. See : #98

Thanks. that partially helped. But the partial thin line between menubar and titlebar still persist.

i have to deal with the same issue and begun to find a solution