
Converting your old TidyPlates settings

Luxocracy opened this issue · 21 comments

Since going from the original TidyPlates to this one will cause you to lose all your settings I decided to give you an easy solution to the problem.

Simply download and run this file or copy the code below into a new .ps1 file and run it to easily rename everything necessary to get your settings back.

Write-Host 'WARNING: Backup your WTF folder before doing this incase something goes wrong!'
$WTFPath =  Read-Host -Prompt 'Input WTF folder path(ex. C:\\World of Warcraft\WTF)'

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$WTFPath" -Filter "*TidyPlates*.lua" | foreach-object {$name = $_.FullName; (Get-Content $name) -replace 'TidyPlates(?!Cont)', 'TidyPlatesCont' | Set-Content $name; Move-Item -Force $name ($name -replace 'TidyPlates(?!Cont)', 'TidyPlatesContinued'); Write-Host 'Processed File:'$name}

Read-Host -Prompt 'Done! Press Enter to exit'

Yes! It works. Thank you very much!!!
I most couldn't play this game without this plug-in!!!!

It's not working for me :( Says done but does nothing. Also tried to edit the script to include the path but it didn't help.

ja0b commented

@hollo6 Go to your SavedVariables folder and check if you have TidyPlates files renamed to TidyPlatesContinued*

Thank you for the tip :)
On linux this could be in your terminal:
/your/path/to/wow/WTF$ rename -v 's/TidyPlates/TidyPlatesContinued/' Account/youraccountname/yourrealm/*/SavedVariables/*

No, it didn't rename anything.

ja0b commented

@hollo6 try to run the ps1 as admin. if that doesn't work then you can do it manually.

@ja0b no success :( I would do it manually just don't know what exactly should be done. Same files, only renamed to include Continued in the name? For every character?

ja0b commented

@hollo6 hang on.. this is weird are you running PowerShell? if that doesn't work I'm afraid so, unless somebody else brings another idea.

@ja0b Yes I'm running PowerShell, isn't that I'm supposed to do?
Anyway that's a huge amount of files so I guess I'll just copy them to a Linux and do it there.

@hollo6 think I managed to reproduce the issue that is happening to you and solve it. I also made it print out what file it is processing.

So try the updated script in the original post.

@Luxocracy Does exactly the same. Looks like the line that should do the work doesn't run at all.

@hollo6 So it isn't printing anything when you run it? Which version of windows are you running? Or could you maybe check what PowerShell version you are running by typing $PSVersionTable.PSVersion into PowerShell.

@Luxocracy No, just the first and last lines (backup warning and done, press enter).
Win7 Ultimate SP1
PS Version:
Major Minor Build Revision

2 0 -1 -1

That might be the issue then, I'm running Win10 and the PowerShell version is 5.1. Gonna look into if any command is missing from the older version.

Thank you! But I will be able to do it on Linux later if it's too much of a hassle. Or it might be easier to just do it in LUA.

@hollo6 So I've updated the main post again with a version that should work in PowerShell 2.0 as well as any newer version of PowerShell. Please do report back if it works or not.

Nice! This works, and does not require admin mode. Though it did throw IOException for the files I already had there (because I tried to enable the addon for a character to check it), I think it should just overwrite them.

Valid point, updated it once more so it should now also overwrite any existing file.

Thanks, I really appreciate your kind and fast help, also the work on this project!

Where do I imput this code and which part am I copy pasting?

Closing this as I no longer feel like this is relevant.