This script automates the process of reconnaissance for a given website by running various tools and commands to gather information and scanning the target website.
- amass
- whois
- nslookup
- wafw00f
- nmap
- rustscan
- nikto
- nuclei
- ffuf
To use AutomateHunter, you must have the following tools already installed on your system:
- amass
- nslookup
- wafw00f
- rustscan
- nikto
- nuclei
- ffuf
If you don't have them, you can easily install them by running the
script provided with the tool.
1 . Clone the repository:
git clone
2 - Run the installer script to install required dependencies:
chmod +x
- Run the script:
After running the script, enter the target website URL and wait for the script to complete the scaning process.
💡 Note:
This script is intended for educational and ethical purposes only. Use it at your own risk and with the website owner's permission.