
DLL Override for winmm.dll has no effect in Linux/Arch Linux?

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Cutscenes still have black bars after installing this mod in Linux.


  • Distro: Arch Linux (this is what SteamDeck is based on)
  • Resolution: 3840 x 1600
  • Window Manager: Sway
  • WINE Driver: XWayland
  • WINE Prefix: Wine 9.1 & Proton Experimental

What I've tried

  1. Main contents of (meaning DeadIsland2Fix.asi, DeadIsland2Fix.ini, LICENSES.txt & winmm.dll) replaced existing files in: <GameDrive>/DeadIsland/Binaries/Win64
    $ ls -l "/home/user/game/.local/share/bottles/bottles/Gaming/drive_c/Program Files/Dead Island 2/DeadIsland/Binaries/Win64/"
    total 472024
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game    368128 Jul 12  2023 bass.dll
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game    219648 Nov  2 19:46 DeadIsland2Fix.asi
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game       398 Apr 22  2023 DeadIsland2Fix.ini
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 game game 460205056 Jul 15  2023 DeadIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game  15183360 Jul 15  2023 EMP.dll
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game    186368 Jul 12  2023 libScePad.dll
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game      2205 Nov  2 19:51 LICENSES.txt
    drwxr-xr-x 2 game game        56 Jan 31 18:33 nepice_settings/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game   2933248 Jul 12  2023 pros.sdk.x64.dll
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game   2000424 Jan 31 20:12 vkd3d-proton.cache
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game   1880640 Feb  1 11:37 vkd3d-proton.cache.write
    -rw-r--r-- 1 game game    351744 Oct 25 05:55 winmm.dll
  2. Using Bottle > Settings > DLL Overrides I've tried adding winmm.dll as Native, then Builtin
    (Specifying the filename without an extension (winmm) made no difference either).
  3. Instead of launching with Bottles, I launched the game directly from Steam using:
    WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winmm.dll=n,b" WINEESYNC=1 gamemoderun mangohud %command%
    As well as:
    WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winmm.dll=n,b" %command%
    However, neither worked


I was able to successfully use DLL Overrides in Bottles with Ultrawide Mod for The Expanse - A Telltale Series:
(This game uses a difference DLL which requires WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dsound=n,b")


Has anyone managed to use this mod successfully with Arch Linux?

I've confirmed this isn't a regression by testing every single release:

  • DeadIsland2Fix_v_1_0_0
  • DeadIsland2Fix_v_1_0_1
  • DeadIsland2Fix_v_1_0_2

DeadIsland2Fix.log is nowhere to be found and I don't see any logs/std messages from this mod in my terminal when launching the game manually :(


Thanks for the detailed issue report! If there's no log file being generated, that likely means the ASI loader isn't being injected. Can you try this?

Just delete the old winmm.dll file and add the override like you did for the Expanse game.

You're fast!
Thanks for taking a look

  • The game crashes after pressing Main Menu > Continue Game > Play when I only use dsound.dll + dsound.ini in <GameDrive>/DeadIsland/Binaries/Win64 (meaning without: DeadIsland2Fix.asi , DeadIsland2Fix.ini & winmm.dll).

  • I experience the exact same issue when I use dsound.dll + dsound.ini + DeadIsland2Fix.asi + DeadIsland2Fix.ini in <GameDrive>/DeadIsland/Binaries/Win64 (meaning without winmm.dll).

    However, DeadIsland2Fix.log gets generated with this configuration as soon as I start the game!

    It doesn't matter which version I use (v_1_0_0, v_1_0_1 & v_1_0_2), they're crashing as soon as I click PLAY to load my saved game file

    Log (I'm using 1.0.2, not sure why it says 1.0.1):

    File verbosity level: 9
    date       time         ( uptime  ) [ thread name/id ]                   file:line     v| 
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.664 (   0.038s) [        358A4C3A]             loguru.cpp:841   INFO| Logging to 'DeadIsland2Fix.log', mode: 'w', verbosity: 9
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.664 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:141   INFO| DeadIsland2Fix v1.0.1 loaded
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:155   INFO| Game Name: Dead Island 2
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:156   INFO| Game Path: C:\Program Files\Dead Island 2\DeadIsland\Binaries\Win64\DeadIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:163    ERR| Failed to load config file.
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:164    ERR| Trying alternate config path.
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:175   INFO| Successfuly loaded config file. (Alternate path)
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:184   INFO| Game Version: 
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:215   INFO| Config Parse: iInjectionDelay: 2000ms
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:216   INFO| Config Parse: bAspectFix: 1
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:217   INFO| Config Parse: bFOVFix: 1
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:218   INFO| Config Parse: bHUDBorderLimit: 1
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:219   INFO| Config Parse: iCustomResX: 3840
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:220   INFO| Config Parse: iCustomResY: 1600
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:221   INFO| Config Parse: fNewX: 3840.00
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:222   INFO| Config Parse: fNewY: 1600.00
    2024-02-01 15:04:22.665 (   0.038s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:223   INFO| Config Parse: fNewAspect: 2.4000
    2024-02-01 15:04:24.702 (   2.075s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:238   INFO| Current Resolution: Hook length is 19 bytes
    2024-02-01 15:04:24.702 (   2.075s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:239   INFO| Current Resolution: Hook address is 0x1437dcd95
    2024-02-01 15:04:24.715 (   2.089s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:257   INFO| Aspect Ratio/FOV: Hook length is 14 bytes
    2024-02-01 15:04:24.715 (   2.089s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:258   INFO| Aspect Ratio/FOV: Hook address is 0x1417cd233
    2024-02-01 15:04:24.728 (   2.102s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:281   INFO| HUD Border Limit: Hook length is 16 bytes
    2024-02-01 15:04:24.728 (   2.102s) [Main            ]            dllmain.cpp:282   INFO| HUD Border Limit: Hook address is 0x14199daa4


Thanks @Lyall!!
The solution was in your .zip file all along :)

Here's all I had to do to fix this issue:

  1. Follow the installation instructions for (meaning DeadIsland2Fix.asi + DeadIsland2Fix.ini + winmm.dll should be placed in: <GameDrive>/DeadIsland/Binaries/Win64)

  2. Create <GameDrive>/DeadIsland/Binaries/Win64/winmm.ini with:

  3. Use WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winmm.dll=n,b" %command% to start the (steam) game.
    Alternatively, with Bottles it's as simple as adding winmm as Native,then Builtin in Bottle > Settings > DLL Overrides:

  4. Lastly, I launch the game using: <GameDrive>/DeadIsland/Binaries/Win64/DeadIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe

For future readers there's also another (potential) fix; projects that uses ThirteenAG's codebase (Ultimate ASI Loader), it's possible to simply rename the winmm.ini to one of supported filenames from the README like dsound.dll (but with Dead Island 2 this particular filename caused conflicts hence the crashing):

Nice, I'll add the DontLoadFromDllMain ini to the latest release. I had to this for Ishin which is another UE4 game so they must not like being loaded that way.