
Unusual Error Log Message Upon Startup

BigOtaku2118 opened this issue · 12 comments

So, when I run RF5 after putting in RF5 Fix 0.1.4, I get a very odd and (for me) indecipherable error message... Can somebody tell me what this means? Will this get other mods of mine to work that refuse to (Particularly the following:
Harem, RF4 Character Unlock, Save Anywhere, Unlock All Movies, and Additional Warp Points [all found on Nexus]).
Attached is the error log.
So, how would I fix this to work with other mods that require RF5 Fix?

I also don't get an RF5Fix.cfg file in the /config/ folder, I just still have the original BepInEx.cfg... What do I do?

make sure you have no other BepInEx mod that uses an updated version of BepInEx they arent exactly Legacy compatible

from your small mod list none of those use the higher version of BepInEx so make sure that your BepInEx/plugins should only have RF5fix.dll first

also make sure launcher configurator tool is not the first thing to open

Would it be possible to make RF5 Fix compatible with the latest BepInEx Bleeding Edge models? I can't access the older BepInEx builds and would LOVE for somebody to keep this updated. I wish I could do it myself, but I have absolutely NO idea how to code or work stuff like BepInEx or a program/implement like RF5 Fix. I know it's not a huge thing seeing RF5 modding is dying (at least from what I've heard), but some friends and myself would LOVE to see RF5 Fix and those mods associated with it be upgraded to fit. I hope I'm not asking a ton, but I'm eager to see if this could be done.

the already downloadable version of RF5fix already comes with bepinEx

so copy the plug ins folder as a back up and then delete everything related to bepInEx (doorsstop_config.ini and winhttp.dll)

as for updating yeah you can... I just don't know the precise documentation for BepInEx but everything you need is in the .cs of the git

OK, now when I try to run it without all the extra stuff I had before, there's no BepInEx window popping up at all when going to run the game. According to the people over in the BepInEx Discord, that build wouldn't work because the build of BepInEx that's being used is a higher build number (the 'official' RF5/SoS modding Discord said only a Bleeding Edge BepInEx would run stuff on RF5 now). I think the built-in BepInEx for this RF5 Fix would have to be the latest Bleeding Edge BepInEx to be able to run.

technically there are 2 flavors if not mistaken NPC info mod has the compatibility for old BepInEx and the one for newer versions

of course depending on where you are coming from getting the most recent version of BepInEx would be helpful... but for this case work with whats given

so what you do is DL RF5fix, delete BepInEx folder currently residing in your RF5 install copy the BepInEx folder from RF5fix and then over write everything else (doorstop_config.ini and winhttp.dll)

Sorry for the wait. Been busy with other stuff...

I just did that and ran RF5, and now BepIn EX doesn't start at all with the game...

Now then boot the game without the launcher??? (Double click the RF5.exe) You should have videos everything skip

Also make sure that RF5fix.dll is the only thing present if you think there are other files that was written by bepinex install, then do a file check on steam

Gah. Been busy at work and planning college...

I have been booting the game without the launcher. RF5Fix.dll is the only thing under Plugins as well.

If it's not compatible with the latest BE build, it means it's now impossible to use seeing all the other BE builds I've tried also can't execute. I STILL get an error. Attached is the Text Document with the pre-loader error code.

I know one mod that requires RF5 Fix says to use BepIn EX 6, but putting that pre-release into my RF5 folder causes the game to take forever to load and the BepIn EX box to load everything doesn't even pop up, making it impossible to run on either the BE build OR BepIn EX 6...


I also go to copy-paste the entirety of the RF5 Fix folder into the main directory thinking that version and data from the built in BepIn EX might work. Nope. Still starts the game with no BepIn EX stuff and nothing happens.

Also, erasing the doorstop_config.ini file and the winhttp.dll file and booting the game also does nothing for BepIn EX starting...

If you mean 'videos and everything should skip' means the opening video shouldn't happen, it still does...

Ok we need to "re vanillanize"

Uninstall RF5 delete all the remnants in the install directory install RF5 and then install RF5fix

Unless installed BepInEX as standard is also just copy and pasting files into a directory I'm not sure what exactly is happening.

And then check some logs from BepInEx side if anyone is suffering the same issue so we know this isnt a one off instance cause thats the first I heard of issues since started using BepInEx with Custome maid order

OK, I did that stuff.
Good News: Vanilla RF5Fix works.
Bad News: All the mods that SAY they work on it (and even the log says they're booting)... aren't.

I dont use Harem mod so I dont know if that works on RF5's version of BepinEx but save anywhere should