Septerra Core: Windows 10 64 bit. Mouse stutter tied to polling rate?

Crim001 opened this issue · 17 comments

This SR port of Septerra Core is great! I've noticed, however that when using my gaming mouse that the mouse stutters constantly. I have realized that it is tied to the mouse polling rate. If I use my gaming mouse default of 1000 Hz it is very jittery. Buttery smooth though at 125 Hz.

I wrote about this experience a bit back on the GOG forums, but have decided to bring it to your attention here in case it may help others who are also having problems with mouse stuttering.

M-HT commented

My mouse only has the standard 125 Hz polling rate, so I can't test this.

Can confirm this happens with my 500 Hz mouse as well. Unfortunately the manufacturer doesn't provide any software means to adjust the polling rate, so I can't confirm the fix.

M-HT commented

Can someone test the attached executable whether it fixes the issue ?


Seems to improve things somewhat on my end, but the issue remains.

M-HT commented

Brilliant! Completely fixed the issue for me.

I can confirm that the SepterraCore-Windows-x86-test2.zip seems to completely fix the issue. I no longer need to reduce my mouse polling rate to have smooth mouse movement. Fantastic, thanks!

M-HT commented

Can you please also test this one ?


Works like a charm.

Confirmed SepterraCore-Windows-x86-test3.zip also works

This fixes the issue for me at 500hz or below but it persists at 1000hz. I tried all 3 versions.

M-HT commented

Does test4 also fix the issue ?


@Zombeaver Can you try test5 and test6 if either or both of them fix the issue at 1000Hz ?


Sadly, no dice with SepterraCore-Windows-x86-test4.zip. The last 2 still perform well.

test5 and test6 both fix it for me at 1000hz!

test5 and test6 also fix the mouse issue for me. Interestingly though, if I have vsync disabled test5 and test6 will make the camera moving that occurs after battle before you get experience/results stutter and take an extended time to happen (test 5 is worse for this, I originally thought the game had frozen it was going so slow). test3 also does it, but is almost unnoticeable. Enabling vsync makes it move smoothly after battle like usual.

M-HT commented

I released a new version of Septerra Core. I added a new configuration option: CPU_SleepMode. The default value is standard. If you have a problem with mouse stuttering (because of higher mouse polling rate) then set the value to reduced. If that doesn't fix the problem, then set the value to nosleep.

I do not know who you are, or where you live, but I will find you and I will marry you.