
Testing package installation

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Testing package installation

Before publishing a package, you typically want to test the process of installing a package into a project. The tests make sure that the necessarily files all end up in their correct places in the project.

You can test installations manually in Visual Studio or on the command line using the normal package installation steps.

For automated testing, the basic process is as follows:

  1. Copy the .nupkg file to a local folder.
  2. Add the folder to your package sources using the
    nuget sources -name <name> -source <path> command (see nuget sources). Note that you need only set this local source once on any given computer.
  3. Install the package from that source using nuget install <packageID> -source <name> where <name> matches the name of your source as given to nuget sources. Specifying the source ensures that the package is installed from that source alone.
  4. Examine the file system to check that files are installed correctly.

The Nuget package should be in Release mode, because of the javascript version

Check the following scenario

  • publish version
  • publish version

Can I publish a bug fix with version ?

the 9.1.x.x version should support multiple .net version 4.0 and 4.5

nuget pack MyProject.csproj -properties Configuration=Release