
There is no wifi 2.4 data in the interfaces

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Hello, I started monitoring my home system with a mikrotik hap ac^2 router and I have no data in the wifi_2.4 interface. Is it possible to fix this problem?

@metgen This is quite difficult to debug remotely. In order to get a glimpse about what's going on, you may open the explore tab in Grafana and query the metric manually:

  • open "Explore" inside Grafana (http://<YOUR_GRAFANA_HOST>/explore)
  • enter the following query: (rate(mktxp_interface_tx_byte_total{routerboard_address="XXXX", name="wifi_2.4"}[$__rate_interval]) * 8)
    • replace routerboard_address="XXXX" with the address of your monitored device (the same as in your mktxp.conf)
    • e.g. routerboard_address=""