
lyra V2 3200bps codec support

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The Lyra v2 codec supports 20ms 3200bps frames just like codec 2 so it would be a drop-in codec 2 replacement for that mode. A cursory look indicates that lyra V2 audio quality is considerably higher than codec 2 at this bit rate. Also the source code is c++ so easy to integrate with M17.

It's just a thought but this would put audio quality far above what DMR and the other protocols provide - the type of advantage that could propel M17 into the mainstream.

Have you tried coding speech with Lyra in realtime on an MD380-class handheld?

Interesting. Try it out and tell us if it's feasible.

I don't have a radio to test this on. I won't be able to work on this now - just wanted to mention it as an interesting option.

In the future I may evaluate this for another unrelated project and will report back if I do.

Lyra V2 appears to run about 35x realtime on a modern phone core so my guess is that a 400Mhz Arm7 core will easily be fast enough. The STM32F405VG @ 168MHz would probably also be able to handle it but that would require testing.

Some useful information on embedded Lyra V1 which is much slower: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71415999/google-lyra-on-bare-metal-microcontroller

Moving this to Discussions, as it's not really an issue.