
[MinSudo] Shortened arguments

Closed this issue · 2 comments

he3als commented

I think that it would be good to have the ability to use shortened arguments, like NSudo. As an example, the --NoLogo argument could be shortened to -NL or something like that.

I am sorry I made you wait a long time because I am busy.

I hope you will like this new design.

Format: MinSudo [Options] Command


  --NoLogo, -NoL
    Suppress copyright message.

  --Verbose, -V
    Show detailed information.

  --WorkDir=[Path], -WD=[Path]
    Set working directory.

  --System, -S
    Run as System instead of Administrator.

  --TrustedInstaller, -TI
    Run as TrustedInstaller instead of Administrator.

  --Privileged, -P
    Enable all privileges.

  --Version, -Ver
    Show version information.

  /?, -H, --Help
    Show this content.


  - All command options are case-insensitive.
  - MinSudo will execute "cmd.exe" if you don't specify another command.
  - You can use the "/" or "--" override "-" and use the "=" override ":" in 
    the command line parameters. For example, "/Option:Value" and 
    "-Option=Value" are equivalent.


  If you want to run "whoami /all" as elevated in the non-elevated Console, and
  you don't want to show version information of MinSudo.
  > MinSudo --NoLogo whoami /all


Kenji Mouri

No problem! The shortened CLI arguments look great, thank you.