
Android 4.0.4 (CM9) Boot and Internet restrictions are not working

Closed this issue · 7 comments

HP Touchpad with CM 9 Nightly (4.0.4), XPrivacy 0.42 and Xposed_fix_4.0_v2
Boot and Internet restrictions are not working.
Calendar, locations, accounts, shell and some other I tested works fine.

Logcat link in PM.

M66B commented

Internet (and storage) restriction will be fixed in the next release.

M66B commented

For the boot restriction I need a logcat from device startup.
Please note that the boot restriction only prevents the boot completed broadcast to applications.
Starting content providers is not restricted (I didn't manage to do this yet).
So, please describe the exact steps to reproduce.

I can confirm that Facebook does not respect the boot restriction on a Samsung Galaxy S3 touchwiz rom. Facebook Messenger is also still firing up GPS even with location restrictions.

M66B commented

Boot restrictions will be removed in the next release: use a startup manager instead.

Is this because it cannot be done or because you do not have time to fix this? I would be willing to help any way possible to keep this feature. it seems to work on apps like WhatsApp but fails on others like Facebook. It would be a valuable feature. Not infuriated, but i did donate $6 bux because i was encouraged by the features of Xprivacy. I understand this was a donation and i am entitled to nothing, but the Market users may see it differently since the setting of purchases in the market give users a sense of entitlement. Just throwing that out there.

M66B commented

See here for the reasons: #130
I think the few dollars for XPrivacy is more than value for the money.
Do you have any idea how many hours I already have spent developing XPrivacy?

I never said it wasn't, And I'm sure it has been many hours. You still did not answer my question however. Aside from the fact that it does not necessarily have something to do with privacy, although it really does. Why is it being removed. Is it impossible to fix or do you not have the time to do so?

Here is an example. I have Facebook booting with my device, i don't mind it using my location, my call logs accessing my contacts or my other personal data, but i want it to do it on MY terms, there fore i decide to stop it from auto running on boot so it can only have access to my data when i say it can, upon manually activating the application. This is a valid scenario for some apps and some users, and would be considered a setting for privacy.

There fore I believe this feature should stay if its feasible to fix the issues. If other start up managing apps can do it, open sourced ones. It may be possible for you to take a look at how they do it.

Just my opinion.