
Candidate: gernedoch for MAGIC Monero Fund

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • I have read and understand the MAGIC Monero Fund documents.
  • I have read and understand the relevant MAGIC Grants policies.
  • I understand that should I be in a position to receive funds from MAGIC Grants for any reason, I will need to provide identifying information to the organization privately. Election to a committee does not guarantee compensation even if compensation is made available, since MAGIC Grants has legal limitations on how it can disburse funds.
  • I understand that an active committee is the number one factor in a Fund's success.
  • I am at least 18 years old.

Replace this and the below text with approximately 5 paragraphs explaining:

  • Why you are running for the committee
  • Why you are a good candidate
  • What experience you bring to the table (eg: fundraising)
  • What you hope the Fund will accomplish while you are on the committee
  • Contact information (optional)

Make sure to submit your application before the due date, and please campaign ethically in the community! Good luck, and thanks for applying!

Closing since no information was provided.