
Candidate: Cbster for MAGIC Monero Fund

Closed this issue · 0 comments

  • I have read and understand the MAGIC Monero Fund documents.
  • I have read and understand the relevant MAGIC Grants policies.
  • I understand that should I be in a position to receive funds from MAGIC Grants for any reason, I will need to provide identifying information to the organization privately. Election to a committee does not guarantee compensation even if compensation is made available, since MAGIC Grants has legal limitations on how it can disburse funds.
  • I understand that an active committee is the number one factor in a Fund's success.
  • I am at least 18 years old.
  • Why you are running for the committee

I am running for this committee as I am a strong believer in the Monero cryptocurrency and a longstanding member of the community, and wish to take a more active role in the furthered development of the Monero ecosystem.

  • Why you are a good candidate

I am a young Computer Science student with a focus on cryptography, and already possess a broad knowledge of technologies and cryptographic techniques used by the Monero cryptocurrency and products relating to Monero. I hope to one day provide further technical development to Monero, and believe I have a good grasp on the core values surrounding the cryptocurrency.

  • What experience you bring to the table (eg: fundraising)

I am, admittedly, relatively young, and thus fairly new to such things. I have experience in programming and cryptography, but have not yet taken part in a fundraising organisation such as MAGIC. I hope this will be as much a learning experience as a positive contribution to Monero.

  • What you hope the Fund will accomplish while you are on the committee

I hope the Fund will open new avenues of funding for the development of the Monero ecosystem where the CCS may not be a viable option. The more, the merrier, so to speak. I think that attracting new talent to the field is always a positive prospect and would be honoured to be part of the process.

  • Contact information (optional)

I can be reached on GitHub or Reddit under the username /u/cbster.