Masters' Project 1


As a part of 295A project, we have decided to consider the domain of distributed IoT application with real time data analytics.

With increasing use of hand-held mobile devices and availability of cloud servers, expectancy of people has reached new levels. People need real time data assistance with minimal need to remember past data. People tend to make great use of Google Keep and Evernote to note down the items to be purchased. Often shopping list is maintained using these apps. However they do not suggest the place where user could get them at best price and without having to travel long. We plan to address such challenges using IoT.

We plan to develop a system, which would be able to read the shopping list of user and based on his current location, recommend/remind him to buy a particular item from list, by analyzing nearest stores and their best deals of the day. This service would require real time feed analysis of the stores based on category of item in list and based on location of user. We plan to consider two different approaches to develop such system. One would be cloud based, where we plan to utilize cloud computing power to deliver real time big data analytics on streaming data. However to achieve streaming data analytics on cloud would require procurement of very expensive computing resources. So as another approach we would like to explore the domain of Fog computing that attempts to solve the cost factor in such demanding and high performance systems.

Our main objective in this project is to explore options and learn real time analysis of IoT data and apply the acquired skills to develop a cloud/Fog based system that would benefit the general public and ease their stressed and busy lives.