
Matpower install issue

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi! I have installed matpower in matlab 2023b (linprog and other problems solved) but somehow whenever I restart my computer I need to reinstall the matpower. I have changed the path of matlab directory according to matpower but still facing the same problem.

rdzman commented

Did you select option 3 (to save the updated path after modifying it) when running install_matpower?

With option 3, the installer just runs an addpath() command and then calls MATLAB's savepath() function to save those changes to the pathdef.m file that MATLAB uses to define the default path when it starts up. It sounds like, in your case, either ...

  1. You did not use option 3, so the updated path is never saved.
  2. For some reason, MATLAB is unable to successfully execute savepath(), maybe due to permissions issues.
  3. Rebooting your computer causes the pathdef.m file to get restored to some previous state (e.g. in a university computer lab where machines are restored to some known state on reboot).

If it's #1, the solution is easy. Just install using option 3. For the other two, my suggestion would be to install MATPOWER using option 1, and save the addpath() command to a file. You can then call that file from a startup.m file in your default MATLAB working directory (or copy the addpath() command directly to startup.m) so that it gets executed on startup each time. This is actually the approach I use since it allows me to use different startup.m files if I want to run older versions of MATPOWER.

In case it helps for debugging, you can use MATLAB's path command to see what directories are included in the MATLAB path for the current session. After running install_matpower with option 2 or 3, the MATPOWER directories should be at the end of the list. You can also do type pathdef to see the contents of the pathdef.m file showing what will be included in the default path when MATLAB is restarted.

I was using option 3 as you mentioned in bullet point 1 but still the path is probably not being saved. I think the reason is same as you said in point 3 that laptop is restored to some previous state. I have now installed using option 1, but I am not sure in which path i should copy addpath() file to. There are multiple startup.m files in my MATLAB directory in C.

I tried to add path file but when I run type pathdef it still does not show the directory where matpower is installed. is there any command to add the path directly to stratup.m

rdzman commented

When using option 1, it does not attempt to save anything to the pathdef.m file, so you won't see anything there ... and that's the one that apparently is getting restored on reboot anyway. In fact, option 1 does not make any modifications to the path directly, which you can check with the path command. For that you'll need to execute the addpath() command.

The addpath() command should go in a startup.m file in your userpath directory. See the MATLAB documentation on startup for more info on how to use startup.m.

Thank you. I resolved the issue.