Video result keeps blinking

CodingMice opened this issue · 15 comments

I test the pretrained model, but my video result keeps blinking, is anything wrong?

Could you show me a clip of the video result? Did you test on your customized data or our provided data? If you use your customized data, you can try to dilate the mask (namely, make a larger mask) to get a better visualization.

Same question ~

Same Question

@NK-CS-ZZL I created a proper custom masks video, which works for other video inpainting algos, but when I run it here, I get this result:

@arnavmehta7 You could dilate the mask and try it again.

@Paper99 I never noticed this problem on short videos though.

If you just slow down the video or pause repeatedly, you'll see wrong frame that is flickering

Our method can't interpolate a frame or frames within the input video.
You could do a code check.

@Paper99 I just used the colab :\

Could you leave me a link to your video and the corresponding mask?

I don't remember the folders, I probably might have deleted them, but I'll check things in a bit and post

Any updates?


The deadline is approaching. I will check it after that.