

lordReddx opened this issue · 26 comments

Multicrafter does not work, items to create can not be selected, when you click on the already selected item, the game crashes.

this is likely a case of "oopsie i made a coding mistake", i would wait on MeepofFaith to respond to be sure

until then, im going to check myself

because it could as be version mismatch or something

ok it is not crashing me, i made sure its all updated properly
but im unable to select the options
but then again, im technically on mobile, perhaps the differences between the versions is JUST enough to not crash

ok it is not crashing me, i made sure its all updated properly
but im unable to select the options
but then again, im technically on mobile, perhaps the differences between the versions is JUST enough to not crash

ok scratch this, it crashes, but only if you select currently selected option

tezlm commented

do you really need to spam comments

do you really need to spam comments


Multicrafter does not work, items to create can not be selected, when you click on the already selected item, the game crashes.

I'm gonna need a crash report.

Mindustry has crashed. How unfortunate.
Version: release build 126.1
OS: Linux x32
Java Version: 0
Java Architecture: null
13 Mods: multi-lib:1.0.7, prog-mats:0.38 [accent](Sentry gun gun)[], classic-music:2.0, classicified:1.4, dev-mode:2.3.1,, invincible-cheat-mod-v6:2.8.1, nydustry:0.5b, purple-air:0.2.2, shitass:1, test-utils:0.1, ui-lib:2.16.6, unit-factory:2.4.2

EcmaError: 'TypeError: Cannot read property "output" from undefined (younggamMultiLib#322)'
ScriptRuntime.constructError: 3955
ScriptRuntime.constructError: 3935
ScriptRuntime.typeError: 3964
ScriptRuntime.typeError2: 3980
ScriptRuntime.undefReadError: 3990
ScriptRuntime.getObjectProp: 1450
younggamMultiLib_154._c_anonymous_31: 322 233
JavaAdapter.doCall: 572
JavaAdapter.callMethod: 554
adapter40.configured: 37
InputHandler.tileConfig: 323
Call.tileConfig: 437
Building.configure: 755
MemberBox.invoke: 105 205
OptRuntime.call1: 23
younggamMultiLib_154._c_anonymous_29: 266 219
ContextFactory.doTopCall: 346
ScriptRuntime.doTopCall: 3303 18 33
InterfaceAdapter.invokeImpl: 141
InterfaceAdapter.lambda$invoke$0$InterfaceAdapter: 92
-$$Lambda$InterfaceAdapter$ 13 524 446
InterfaceAdapter.invoke: 92
VMBridge_jdk18.lambda$newInterfaceProxy$0: 100
-$$Lambda$VMBridge_jdk18$ggYMF9TpGNVQ1Biw8Nj4QDudM_c.invoke: 11
Proxy.invoke: 1006
$ -1
Element.lambda$clicked$2: 893
-$$Lambda$Element$Z5rFlDuLK9b0NIGwxILHnJVs0B8.get: 4
Element$4.clicked: 902
ClickListener.touchUp: 77
InputListener.handle: 31
Scene.touchUp: 360
InputMultiplexer.touchUp: 137
AndroidInput.processEvents: 287
AndroidGraphics.onDrawFrame: 419
GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun: 1571
GLSurfaceView$ 1270

please note that only the multi lib and progress were actually enabled, the others are disabled

i see no other crashes, i also seen you removed the multi turret, rip that but i guess it was to problematic

anyways, @ me when this has been fixed, or a fix has been attempted
so i can test

also, magma is still in the files, is this some sortof coding joke i may never understand or did you just forget about it

also, magma is still in the files, is this some sortof coding joke i may never understand or did you just forget about it

The only purpose of magma is to be spawned by the Eruptors

oh, at the same time, slag

The slag is just to set the magma on fire

alright now to figure out how multi lib works so I can fix this...

mk lol

The slag is just to set the magma on fire

w h a t

The slag is just to set the magma on fire

w h a t

Flammable hot liquids cannot light themselves on fire, so I've got to do it with a tiny bit of slag.

The slag is just to set the magma on fire

w h a t

Flammable hot liquids cannot light themselves on fire, so I've got to do it with a tiny bit of slag.

it works, but it so cursed

anyways let me stop bothering you and let you code or something

The slag is just to set the magma on fire

w h a t

Flammable hot liquids cannot light themselves on fire, so I've got to do it with a tiny bit of slag.

it works, but it so cursed

Your able to spawn fire which can set the flamible hot liquid on fire though right?

The slag is just to set the magma on fire

w h a t

Flammable hot liquids cannot light themselves on fire, so I've got to do it with a tiny bit of slag.

it works, but it so cursed

Your able to spawn fire which can set the flamible hot liquid on fire though right?

yes but I'm too lazy to change it