This repository contains my solutions of the assignments of the Stanford CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning course from winter 2022/23. There are many other great repositories on this course but none that cover the latest assignments (winter 2022 / 2023) and contain the written and practical parts completely (state: Mai 12. 2023). This repository is intended as a learning ressource which provides answers if you are stuck. Please do yourself a favor and try it on your own first. If you come across any errors or like me to include a more expressive explanation, please let me know at
Reading papers is an important part of this course and crucial for completing the assignments successfully. Therefore I recommend to have a look at How to read a Paper
From Assignment 2 and onwards you will need to edit latex files for your written solutions. I can recommend this wikibook as an up-to-date, comprehensive, and accessible reference. To have git integration I would use Vscode with a LateX extension as a LateX editor. For personal use, overleaf might be easier and quicker to use.
For now, all assignments are completed. I will continue watching the rest of the lectures and come back in September this year to try completing one of the default projects.
- watch Lecture 1 and Lecture 2
- read Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space and Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality
- finish assignment 1
- go through Python Review Session (slides)
- read GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation, Improving Distributional Similarity with Lessons Learned from Word Embeddings and Evaluation methods for unsupervised word embeddings
- watch Lecture 3 and Lecture 4
- read matrix calculus notes, Review of differential calculus, CS231n notes on network architectures, CS231n notes on backprop, Derivatives, Backpropagation, and Vectorization and Learning Representations by Backpropagating Errors
- read Understanding word vectors (my own suggestion, not included in original cs224n)
- finish assignment 2 written
- read "additional readings" A Latent Variable Model Approach to PMI-based Word Embeddings, Linear Algebraic Structure of Word Senses, with Applications to Polysemy, On the Dimensionality of Word Embedding, Yes you should understand backprop, Natural Language Processing (Almost) from Scratch
- finish assignment 2
- watch Lecture 5 and Lecture 6
- complete PyTorch Tutorial
- read N-gram Language Models (textbook chapter), The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks (blog post overview), Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Neural Nets (Sections 10.1 and 10.2), On Chomsky and the Two Cultures of Statistical Learning, Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Neural Nets (Sections 10.3, 10.5, 10.7-10.12), Learning long-term dependencies with gradient descent is difficult (one of the original vanishing gradient papers), On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks (proof of vanishing gradient problem), Vanishing Gradients Jupyter Notebook (demo for feedforward networks), Understanding LSTM Networks (blog post overview)
- read papers from assignment 3 Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization, Tricks from the actual Adam update, Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting
- finish assignment 3 written
- read An Explanation of Xavier Initialization,
- PyTorch documentation nn.Parameters, Initialization, Dropout, Index select, Gather, View, Flatten, Matrix product, ReLU, Adam Optimizer, Cross Entropy Loss, Optimizer Step
- finish assignment 3
- watch Lecture 7 and Lecture 8
- read Statistical Machine Translation slides, CS224n 2015 (lectures 2/3/4), Statistical Machine Translation (book by Philipp Koehn), BLEU (original paper), Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks (original seq2seq NMT paper), Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks (early seq2seq speech recognition paper), Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate (original seq2seq+attention paper), Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks (blog post overview), Massive Exploration of Neural Machine Translation Architectures (practical advice for hyperparameter choices), Achieving Open Vocabulary Neural Machine Translation with Hybrid Word-Character Models, Revisiting Character-Based Neural Machine Translation with Capacity and Compression
read Embedding Layer, LSTM, LSTM Cell, Linear Layer, Dropout Layer, Conv1D Layer
finish assignment 4
- finish assignment 4 written
- watch Lecture 9
- read Attention Is All You Need, The Illustrated Transformer, Transformer (Google AI blog post), Layer Normalization, Image Transformer, Music Transformer: Generating music with long-term structure
- watch Lecture 10 and Lecture 11
- read BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding, Contextual Word Representations: A Contextual Introduction, The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co., Martin & Jurafsky Chapter on Transfer Learning
- watch Lecture 12
- read The Curious Case of Neural Text Degeneration, Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks, Hierarchical Neural Story Generation, How NOT To Evaluate Your Dialogue System
- finish assignment 5
- finish assignment 5 written
- complete Huggingface tutorial
- watch Lecture 13 and Lecture 14
- read Coreference Resolution chapter of Jurafsky and Martin End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer
- watch Lecture 15 and Lecture 16
- read ERNIE: Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities Barack’s Wife Hillary: Using Knowledge Graphs for Fact-Aware Language Modeling Pretrained Encyclopedia: Weakly Supervised Knowledge-Pretrained Language Model Language Models as Knowledge Bases?
- watch Lecture 17 and Lecture 18
- Write reaction paragraphs for guest speaker lectures
- Watch ConvNets for NLP lecture and complete Assignment 5 from winter 2020 (weren't included in 2021 and onwards because they cut the exams and distributed more time towrds the final project)
- watch the other lectures (from 2020 and 2022 that are not covered in 2021 lecture plan)
- complete Default Final Project: minBERT and Downstream Tasks