Using Mediawiki API after logon
SomeStrangeName opened this issue · 16 comments
Some Mediawiki configurations need a logon "before" API is available.
The current implementation of wiki-java seems to fetch some API URL "before" the login.
I guess it is the following user setting in LocaleSettings.php of mediawiki installation:
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
If this is set a login is required before get any data.
This problem occurs in method:
public synchronized void login(String username, char[] password, boolean rateLimit) throws IOException, FailedLoginException
In line:
username = normalize(username);
Normalize will load some data from the API but will fail (because not logged in yet).
Removing this line would work but seems not correct.
Same with me! I have a "closed" wiki and can't get access, when
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
is set! Is there a work around?
I also think I have this problem so any suggested approaches would be great.
Thanks for the changes!
I got the latest code via github, but login still fails. I debuged a little bit. Server-Response is:
"Fetching a token via action=login is deprecated."
So function public synchronized void login(String username, char[] password) //line 938
will never get into
if (line.contains("result="Success"")) //line 952
and throws AssertionError("Unreachable!"); //line 969
Works for me (tested on is not a closed wiki! It's readable for users without login. Please try a wiki with
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
in LocalSettings.php
"Fetching a token via action=login is deprecated."
You shouldn't be getting this warning. The code doesn't do this.
What version of MediaWiki are you testing against?
Are you using [[Special:Botpasswords]]?
MW: 1.27.1
SMW: 2.4.1
Yes I use [[Special:Botpasswords]] and try to login with a bot password
<?xml version="1.0"?><api><warnings><main xml:space="preserve">Unrecognized parameter: 'rawcontinue'</main><login xml:space="preserve">Fetching a token via action=login is deprecated. Use action=query&meta=tokens&type=login instead.</login></warnings><login result="NeedToken" token="1c0ed590fa6fa30e1bf01d1a2ea9bdfc59199f42+\" cookieprefix="MYWIKI-XXX" sessionid="c23n4e8k1p3k723gmj8j44ipn8k7dsqc" /></api><br />
So as i wrote above: if in line 952 will never be reached
What is the contents of the POST request? Don't forget to blank out the password and fudge the token. I'm still not seeing why you're not getting a login token.
It's weird: username or login are not part of the post-request:
Debug-Info, calls only:
I meant the contents of buffer.toString()
Sorry! Here I have token and password:
//line 948:
makes the right post call, but the result String line contains in my case the deprecated warning
Backing out this commit -> 7a5d3cb should work around the problem. I'm not changing git HEAD because this behavior is deprecated and, as I said, shouldn't be happening.
Sorry, still no login token when in LocalSettings.php is set:
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
My Bot has no access
See if the old login code still works ->
Line 942 in c2c1601
Line 960 is the cause of the permission denied errors and should be removed.