The Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) -- a platform for AI research.
See for details.
The Classical Planning algorithms are located in:
* src/agents/IW1Search.hpp
* src/agents/IW1Search.cpp
* src/agents/BestFirstSearch.hpp
* src/agents/BestFirstSearch.cpp
To compile, rename the makefile either for linux or mac
The command to run IW1 is
./ale -display_screen true -discount_factor 0.995 -randomize_successor_novelty true -max_sim_steps_per_frame 150000 -player_agent search_agent -search_method iw1 (ROM_PATH)
The command to run 2BFS is
./ale -display_screen true -discount_factor 0.995 -randomize_successor_novelty true -max_sim_steps_per_frame 150000 -player_agent search_agent -search_method bfs (ROM_PATH)
and you have to substitute ROM_PATH for any of the games under supported_roms folder.
max_sim_steps_per_frame sets your budget, i.e. how many frames you can expand per lookahead. Each node is 5 frames of game play, so 150,000, is equivalent to 30,000 nodes generated. You don't need that many to find rewards, so you can use a smaller number to play the game much faster. 150,000 was the parameter chosen by Bellemare et al. The most expensive computation is calling the simulator to generate the successor state.
are the ones we wrote to make life easier for experimentation:
* may help you to run experiments.
We wrote some code to record the games, add the following flag to the ./ale command
-record_trajectory true
and then you can replay the game using
* <state_trajectory_alg_game_episode.i file>
We want to thank Marc Bellemare for making the ALE code available and the research group at U. Alberta.
The Classical Planning algorithms code is adapted from the Lightweight Automated Planning Toolkit (